Your future dreams are your own. No one else can own them. So take care of them and they will take care of you!!

People around you don’t think about you all the time!!

Prashant Chauhan
2 min readMay 12, 2020


We live in an illusion that we are being judged all the time but in reality, people actually have their own problems and their own lives. So as much as you think that you are being judged on all your actions in public as well as in your private life. IT IS NOT REAL.

Illusion of other people’s thinking in our mind

This only does harm to you because you live in the constant fear that somebody is always seeing you and judging you. In India, there is a very famous proverb “Log kya kahenge” which in English means “What will people say?”. I cannot even estimate how many dreams and good futures have been sacrificed around the world on the basis of just this thought.

Your future dreams are your own. No one else can own them. So take care of them and they will take care of you!!

I also have been victim to this flawed way of thinking and the only way to get out of it is to stop judging yourself on the basis of other people’s actions and thinking. There is only one human being in this whole universe who actually cares about you and judge you on your actions and it is YOU. No one else cares about you as much as you think.

So stop killing your dreams for other people and start taking actions that you want and you know are a step towards your future self.

Live long and prosper!!



Prashant Chauhan

a very ignorant person trying very hard to decrease his ignorance