Why Einstein was right about Quantum Mechanics…

Prashant Chauhan
3 min readMay 13, 2020


And why all the quantum physics derived in the last century is not an accurate theory.. and yes, I am also including the string theory!

Doesn’t it seems wrong that such an amazing brain couldn’t accept or visualise the physics of small particles or peas (if you have heard that analogy, also if you haven’t watched The Theory of Everything movie, you should. You will learn a lot about life from it).

Why was Einstein unable to grasp the notion of reality that was laid down by the Quantum Physicists and also verified by the experiments? The fact that he was able to grasp the reality of big objects around him and also visualize the rules that were governing those objects is astounding even by today’s standards. Just FYI, we are still proving the theoretical predictions of General Theory of Relativity in 21st century, like gravitational waves and many more such predictions.

Einstein's method was simple. He saw something with his own eyes and then tried to fit that reality into his mind. How can he make it work inside his mind that he observed his own mind? And that is what helped him in understanding the gravity in its true form.

He failed with the quantum mechanics because he couldn’t observe all those experimental phenomena with his own eyes even though they were happening all around him again and again.

But that makes it very easy to show that he was right about the fact that the current version of the quantum mechanics is just a very vague approximation of the true nature of the small objects that exist all around us. It is what we understood about space and time before Einstein came along to set the physics straight. The clues are all around us that something is deeply wrong with the physics of small particles and its effects can be seen in the biology and chemistry which are all dependent on the physics to get its things right. All the exceptions and spooky behavior that we are unable to solve in physics create exceptions and tie our hands in the field of chemistry and biology.

The best clue that I believe is the ineffectiveness of LHC to find anything related to all those theories. It has found the Higgs particle of course but that was going to happen irrelevant to the facts of quantum physics! But all the other things that were promised by it after 2012 have not been confirmed at all. So after a century of wasted efforts, I believe that it is time to look at the problem from some other perspective. There has been one notable effort from Stephen Wolfram who has released a new kind of framework to look at the same problem. I don’t know if it is true or not but it is definitely a notable effort, which I believe is a step in the right direction and can be one day be seen as the defining effort in the displacement of string theory from the center of attention in the physics world.

Thanks for giving your precious time and I hope this has light a curiosity inside you as well to search the truth yourself!

Live Long and Prosper!



Prashant Chauhan

a very ignorant person trying very hard to decrease his ignorance